Co-founders Rachel Hodges and Jill Oberle started working together as team members within a local church’s counseling ministry. Their practice was informed by a deep understanding of attachment, trauma and child development thanks to trainings in Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) and Theraplay as well as research from the likes of Dan Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson, Gordon Neufeld, Deborah MacNamera, Karyn Purvis, Gabor Mate, Curt Thompson, and more. These resources fundamentally impacted their work with children and families.
As they spent time helping parents make sense of their children’s behavior through the framework of relational attachment, Rachel and Jill were regularly told, “I wish I would have known this years ago.”
To proactively equip parents and care givers—prior to when critical intervention might be needed—GROW started in 2017 as a weekend-long conference focused on the science of relationships, the foundation of development, and practical tools for engaging children and their emotions.
The mission of GROW is free up families to experience deeper connection and joy by guiding parents towards a deeper understanding of childhood in a way that brings clarity to their role.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Trained in Trust Based Relational Intervention and Theraplay
Master’s Degree in Social Work, Washington University
Bachelors’s Degree in Psychology & Family Studies, Wheaton College
Most of my professional work has been direct practice with children, teens and parents in the counseling office and providing training within various church and ministry contexts. One of my life’s greatest gifts has been getting to grow up as a counselor alongside growing up as a Mother. Each role has intimately shaped the other and left me utterly convinced that we were all created for relationships in which we feel heard, known, and absolutely delighted in.
I am originally from the Chicago area, but have called St Louis Home since 2006. My husband and I live in the Metro East with our three children and spunky puppy. Our family has been knit together through birth and adoption. I am the kind of Mom who loves watching her kids grow and learn new things, and also wishes time would slow down a bit. I love getting lost in a story and am always up for a book or podcast recommendation. I love time outside, good questions, long conversations, and a good theme to plan a party or meal around.
Licensed Professional Counselor
Trained in Trust Based Relational Intervention and Theraplay
Master of Arts in Counseling, Covenant Theological Seminary
Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education & Teaching, University of Missouri-Columbia
In so many ways, my professional work as a counselor and my personal journey through motherhood have intimately informed one another. I come sharing guidance and support with the well worn shoes of someone who is actively walking the path of parenting - currently experiencing the highest of highs and lowest of lows. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I think it also takes a village to raise a parent. I hope we can be a part of each others’ village as we learn and GROW together!
If you peek inside my home, you might find me building master level LEGO creations with my spirited son, cozied up reading books with my sweet preschooler or enjoying the latest culinary triumph from my husband, Rex. When my introverted self needs a break from my brood of boys, I love to take walks, swim some laps or listen to a podcast.